Assistant Managing Director, Investment Banking and Capital Markets Group, Phatra Securities PLC

ANUTE PATHIPVANICH, Assistant Managing Director, Investment Banking and Capital Markets Group. She joined Phatra in 2002 as an analyst was later promoted to an associate. In 2005, she left to pursue her MBA and after her graduation, she returned to Phatra’s Investment Banking Team. With her extensive experiences specifically in REIT and infrastructure funds, she has become a core team leader of Corporate Finance Department.

Anute led the conversion and merger of TFUND, TGROWTH, TLOGIS and TREIT, the only 4-1 merger of property fund. She also led the offerings of Thailand Future Fund and BTSGIF, the first infrastructure fund in Thailand.
She is also experienced in equity offering, leading landmark transactions such as Asset World Corporations, Osotspa. She has also worked with leading companies including BDMS, CPF.

Anute received her MBA in Finance, Strategy, and Entrepreneurship from Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania in 2007 and her Bachelor of Business Administration, Banking and Finance (First Degree Honors) from Faculty of Commerce and Accountancy, Chulalongkorn University in 2001.